Опубликовано: 18 ноября 2017 / Обновлено: 27 июля 2020

Все времена — примеры и упражнения

Статья позволит вам попрактиковать все времена на английском языке.
Для начала посмотрите примеры спряжения предложения во всех временах.

Пример # 1

I wait for the bus every day. Present Simple
I waited for the bus yesterday. Past Simple
Maybe I will wait for the bus tomorrow. Future Simple
I am waiting for the bus at the moment. Present Continuous

I was waiting for the bus when you called. Past Continuous
I will be waiting for the bus again this time tomorrow. Future Continuous
I have waited for the bus many times in my life. Present Perfect
I had waited for the bus before I took a taxi. Past Perfect

If the bus doesn’t come, I will have waited for the bus for no reason. Future Perfect
I have been waiting for the bus since 9 o’clock. Present Perfect Continuous
I had been waiting for the bus for an hour when it finally arrived. Past Perfect Continuous
By 10 o’clock, I will have been waiting for the bus for 45 minutes. Future Perfect Continuous

Have you decided to take the train? No, I’m going to take the bus. ‘Going to’ Future


В реальной разговорной и письменной речи сами носители языка используют семь из 12 английских времен, это:

  • Present Simple
  • Past Simple
  • Future Simple
  • Present Continuous
  • Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect
  • Present Perfect Continuous

Пример # 2

She visits London once a year. Present Simple
She is currently visiting London. Present Continuous
She has visited London several times in the past. Present Perfect
She has been visiting London since Monday. Present Perfect Continuous

She visited London 3 years ago. Past Simple
She was visiting London when she met him. Past Continuous
She had visited London once before she moved to England. Past Perfect
She had been visiting London for a few days when she had to return home. Past Perfect Continuous

She will probably visit London next year. Future Simple
She will be visiting London this time next year. Future Continuous
She will have visited London 6 times by the end of this year. Future Perfect
By tomorrow morning, she will have been visiting London for five days. Future Perfect Continuous

Has she arranged her day trip tomorrow? Yes, she is visiting London with the guide. Present Continuous
Has she decide where to go next year? Yes, she is going to visit London again. ‘Going to’ Future

Упражнения на все времена

Упражнение # 1

Проспрягайте предложение во всех временах: I do the laundry.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 1
I do the laundry.
I did the laundry.
I’ll do the laundry.

I’m doing the laundry.
I was doing the laundry.
I will have been doing the laundry.
I’ll be doing the laundry.

I have done the laundry.
I had done the laundry.

I’ll have done the laundry.
I have been doing the laundry.
I had been doing the laundry.

Упражнение # 2

Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.

1. At two o’clock I (go) to the supermarket,
2. I (drive) my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
3. Tomorrow I (eat) sushi.
4. I (be) to Italy.
5. I (drive) home from work every day.

6. He (have) trouble finishing the project.
7. When .. you (arrive) home yesterday?
8. (Have) you (have) your dinner yet?
9. This restaurant (become) very popular.
10. Doctors (discover) cures for many diseases.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2
1. At two o’clock I went to the supermarket,
2. I was driving my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
3. Tomorrow I will eat sushi.
4. I have been to Italy.
5. I drive home from work every day.

6. He is having trouble finishing the project.
7. When did you arrive home yesterday?
8. Have you had your dinner yet?
9. This restaurant has become very popular.
10. Doctors have discovered cures for many diseases.

Упражнение # 3

В каком времени указаны предложения?

1. I drive home from work every day.
2. What did you eat for dinner?
3. I’m driving from work.
4. My brother lives in Chicago.
5. I have never been to space.

6. We’re having a great time on vacation.
7. I’m thinking about taking a trip around the world.
8. I have travelled the world.
9. He will have been eating his pizza.
10. I was recording a class for Youtube when you called.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3
1. I drive home from work every day. Present Simple
2. What did you eat for dinner? Past Simple
3. I’m driving from work. Present Continuous
4. My brother lives in Chicago. Present Simple
5. I have never been to space. Present Perfect

6. We’re having a great time on vacation. Present Continuous
7. I’m thinking about taking a trip around the world. Present Continuous
8. I have travelled the world. Present Perfect
9. He will have been eating his pizza. Future Perfect Continuous
10. I was recording a class for Youtube when you called. Past Continuous

Упражнение # 4

Найдите ошибки

A) I have travelling the world.
B) This bike cost $50.
C) I am is Australian.
D) Man has been to the Moon.
E) I have been run.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4
A) I have travelled the world.
B) This bike costs $50.
C) I am Australian.
D) Man has been to the Moon.
E) I have been running.

Упражнение # 5

В каком времени написаны эти предложения?

1. Kate has met the President.
2. What are you doing now?
3. The sky is blue.
4. I watch the TV.
5. How many hours do you work a week?
6. He has worked here for 5 years.
7. We have been in a realtionship for three months.
8. I’m going to call Kate after lunch.
9. She has already written 40 books.
10. Mother will bath the baby in a small tub.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 5
1. Kate has met the President. Present Perfect
2. What are you doing now? Present Continuous
3. The sky is blue. Present Simple
4. I watch the TV. Present Simple
5. How many hours do you work a week? Present Simple
6. He has worked here for 5 years. Present Perfect
7. We have been in a realtionship for three months. Present Perfect
8. I’m going to call Kate after lunch. Present Continuous
9. She has already written 40 books. Present Perfect
10. Mother will bath the baby in a small tub. Future Simple

Упражнение # 6

Проспрягайте предложение: David closes the door.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4
Dave closed the door. past simple
Dave was closing the door. past cont.
Dave had closed the door. past perfect
Dave had been closing the door. past perfect cont.
David will close the door. future simple
David will be closing the door. future cont.
Опубликовано: / Обновлено: 27 июля 2020

20 thoughts on “Все времена — примеры и упражнения

  1. 8. … you (have) your dinner jet?
    She was waiting London when she met him. Past Continuous
    Исправьте в вашей статье опечатки.

  2. Здравствуйте!
    Скажите пожалуйста, в втором упражнении первом предложении,
    At two o’clock I (go) to the supermarket
    могу ли я сказать: At two o’clock I will go to the supermarket, вместо i went, это будет ошибка или можно и так и так ?

  3. И там же во втором
    I (drive) my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
    Я ответил: I had been driving when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
    Будет ли это ошибкой ?

  4. Здравствуйте, Дмитрий!
    очень хорошие вопросы, спасибо!

    Вы можете сказать:

    At two o’clock I will go to the supermarket

    — ошибкой это не будет. Можно сказать I went и I will — оба варианта — правильны. Разница будет лишь во времени: «в 2 я схожу в супермаркет.» и «в 2 я сходил в супермаркет.»

  5. Здесь тоже самое, можно сказать:

    I had been driving when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’

    Оба времени имеют место быть и ошибки не будет.

    п.с. если Вы спросите, почему же в правильных ответах только по одному варианту, могу ответить лишь за себя, т.к. размещенные выше упражнения с ответами писали сами носители языка.
    Наверно, им как-то виднее в этом плане почему они использовали только одно время.
    И второй не маловажный момент: опирайтесь всегда на контекст. Если Вам английский нужен для жизни — это одно. Если Вы сдаете тесты — это другое.
    Но Вам, 5+ за отличные вопросы и Ваш английский 🙂

  6. В этом предложении правильным вариантом будет I was driving my car when I saw my friend…
    Смысл таков: в то время как я ехал на машине, я увидел друга… I had been driving здесь некорректно.

  7. I had been driving здесь некорректно.

    Поверьте — корректно. Как я выше написала — всё зависит от контекста.
    Я специально уточняла этот вопрос у американца. Перевела его ответ сюда в виде коммента.

  8. можно и At two o’clock I am going to the supermarket (запланированное действие)

  9. 10. Mother will bath the baby in a smal tub.
    В «small» ошибка

  10. Спасибо, отличные задания на тренировку!

  11. Исправление: Has she decide where to go next year? — Has she decided…

  12. Эй, рад, что зашло! Помню, когда готовился к соревнованиям, испробовал кучу разных заданий. Знаешь, было непросто, но именно они вытащили на новый уровень! Так что качайся, не жалей сил. Тренировки — это всегда кайф или прогресс!

  13. Да не за что! Сам недавно такой факап словил. Забыл важный момент в проекте, пришлось все переделывать. Ужас, как стыдно было! Главное, что исправили и теперь зеленый свет. Так что продолжаем в том же духе, ошибки — это норм!

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