Опубликовано: 12 мая 2017 / Обновлено: 31 декабря 2018

Желаем хорошего отпуска по-английски

Желаем хорошего отпуска по-английскиВ статье отдельно размещаю живые реальные пожелания хорошего отдыха от американцев. И фразы, которые предлагает интернет: пожелания другу, мужу, коллеге, верующему и т.д.

Посмотрите разницу.

Реальные фразы американцев — Wishing Good Vacations

Подходят для смс, соц.сетей, писем и в разговоре.

Stunning! Enjoy!
Do the days, my friend! So happy for you and yours!
Hope you are enjoying the trip!
Hope you have a great time !!!! Be safe !!!
Have fun!!
Have a GREAT week!!!

Have a great time!
Have fun on your trip.
Post pictures so I can travel there too!

Enjoy Your Vacation Wishes пожелания из инета

“I wish you a ton of happiness, joy, and fun while you are on vacation! I hope you have a great time!”
“Catch you later! I wish you all the best for your vacation.”

“Enjoy the rest and downtime! I know I would! Safe travels!”

“I hope your vacation gives you the pleasure you need so that you don’t have to think of any problems back at home. Enjoy your vacation.”

“Sit back. Relax. Let life roll off your back. Enjoy your vaction!”

For your wife: “This house will surely feel empty and quiet without you hear for the next couple of days. I’m assuming that you want me to do the dishes this week? I’ll get it done. In the meantime, I love you and please travel safely.”

For your husband: “I know that this is a big business trip for you and your partners. Knock ‘em dead hun! I love you! Travel safely and please call me as soon as you arrive.”

For your girlfriend: “I am so happy that you are getting to spend quality time with your family! I wish I could be there with you! Travel as safe as possible and let me know that you got there safely.”

For your boyfriend: “Babe! I’m jealous you’re going on vacation, but I’m happy that you get to spend it with your family. You better call me every night, or you’ll be in trouble when you get back. xoxo”

For a co-worker: “Hey! Make the best of your vacation time! You have worked very hard to get this time off, so I hope that you enjoy it. Don’t worry, I’ll hold down the office fort while you are away. See you soon.”

For your best friend: “Of course, you’re leaving me here to fend for myself while you’re out sipping martinis. I’m not jealous. (Aka, I’m very jealous.) Enjoy vacationing without me! Come back soon!”

For a religious friend: “I hope that God blesses you during your travels and during your vacation. I will pray for your safe passage and I look forward to hearing about your vacation as soon as you get back. God Bless.”

For an acquaintance: “I wish you all the best for your vacation time. May all the happiness in the world embrace you, let your fun be unlimited with friends and family. Bon voyage!”


Have a fun vacation! May your vacation be filled with exciting places, smiling faces, wonderful weather, and many wonderful memories to cherish.

I wish you could have fabulous days where you just have fun and relieve them from the stress of your daily work.

Have excellent vacations. Bon Voyage! Wishing you a wonderful trip with days full of sunshine, excitement and fun!

Do not think about waking up early and rushing out of your home. Relax with your family and friends. Have a happy vacation!

Have a Happy Trip! Here’s hoping you enjoy your trip! May every single minute, in every way, hold only good times in it!

Have a great time with your family and enjoy very much these vacations. Have a good trip!

Теперь, вы знаете, как пожелать хорошего отдыха на море или просто путешествия своим заграничным друзьям.
А если вы сами собираетесь в отпуск, и вам надо сказать другу:
«У меня чемоданное настроение», для этого есть 3 фразы, о которых я написала здесь >>

Желаем хорошего отпуска по-английски

Опубликовано: / Обновлено: 31 декабря 2018

10 thoughts on “Желаем хорошего отпуска по-английски

  1. Как правильно:
    I was on Hawaii/Maldives or I have been IN Hawaii/Maldives?

  2. Ирина, спасибо за ответ, почему не I have been in…а I was?

  3. хороший вопрос, спасибо.
    грамматически и по-книжному, я, вряд-ли объясню, но постараюсь написать сегодня отдельно в статье.

  4. Спасибо. Лучше будет сказать to, но in тоже можно, хоть и хуже — так мне ответил носитель языка.

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