Опубликовано: 6 апреля 2017 / Обновлено: 27 июля 2020

Error vs mistake — есть ли разница?

Error vs mistake - есть ли разница?Я задала этот вопрос своему другу Дэвиду, вот что он ответил:

«Error» означает, что что-то вышло не так.
«Mistake» означает, что кто-то виноват в этом.

Есть еще такие слова как:

«Flaw» недостаток, изъян.
«Fault» вина человека.

The words error and mistake are very similar and in most case, either could be used.

There are a few differences though.

If a computer program doesn’t work, it produces an error, not a mistake.

Опубликовано: / Обновлено: 27 июля 2020

One thought on “Error vs mistake — есть ли разница?

  1. For a more complete definition, see this web page — quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-mistake-and-an-error

    Eric Hahn, studied at MBA in Marketing

    I think they are fairly synonymous.
    I don’t think intent has anything to do with it.
    Mistake is the more common choice when dealing with decisions or in referring to humans.
    Error tends to be used in referring to more inanimate events, like a math error.

    Mistake используется при решении решений или при обращении к людям.
    Error как правило, используется для обращения к более неживым событиям, например, к математической ошибке.

    Waqas Ahmed, All that glitter is not gold.

    Mistake is something if you have commit something wrong and after go through again you realise it or figure it out what you have done wrong is called mistake.
    Where as in same context as above, if you don’t realise what you have done wrong that it will be called error.

    Brian Dlamini, Director ICT at Swaziland Public Procurement Agency (2014-present)

    I actually make a few or so but correct them when I spot them…well er this is embarrassing….I actually made one a few days ago when I meant to call

    David Greenspan, Word lover

    There is some overlap in these terms, which both refer to a «wrong» action — for example, a problem gotten wrong on an exam could be called an error or a mistake — but there are also significant differences in usage and connotation.

    A mistake, generally speaking, is a choice that turns out to be wrong. It could be something you decide to do on your own initiative that you later regret:

    — «You’re making a mistake — you’ll regret this!»
    — «Coming here was a mistake — this trip has been a waste of my time.»
    — «Don’t feel bad, everyone makes mistakes.»

    … or a misidentification or miscalculation where a wrong answer is produced:

    — «I thought it was her, but I was mistaken.»
    — «That can’t be his fingerprints, the computer must have made a mistake!»
    — «I made a mistake on problem 3.»

    A mistake is wrong because the outcome is found to be wrong. Mistakes are made when a free choice is made, and later called «mistakes» when they score badly in the context of the goal of determining a particular answer, or else they simply turn out to be bad choices in some later assessment.

    Errors, on the other hand, are made with reference to some ideal code, model, or set of rules that would have dictated a different action. The action was wrong because it was different from the «right» or normal one under the circumstances.

    Error is a more formal word and has various technical meanings:

    — In sports, particular rules violations are «errors.» A «mistake» would be the coach or the referee making a poor strategic decision or a wrong call.

    — Computers produce «errors» when they aren’t able to perform some step as programmed, such as connecting to the Internet or saving a file. Computers make mistakes only by spitting out the wrong answer to a question. (We don’t consider computers to originate actions willfully and be held accountable for them, except in humorous personification, so we would only jokingly say, «The computer made a big mistake by not saving my file.» However, we could completely seriously say, «The airport computer made a mistake in calling me Davidmr Greenspan,» because it is stating a wrong fact.)

    — In science, «experimental error» is the completely normal and expected deviation of the measurements from the theory. Measurements are never perfect; they always contain «error» due to imperfect conditions, instruments, and models, and the question is only whether the error matches expectations in its size and nature. A «mistake,» on the other hand, could be any wrong step by the experimenters, particularly a wrong choice in experimental set-up, or else a miscalculation or misidentification, especially if it leads to a wrong conclusion.

    To confuse matters a little, any mistake that occurs in the context of a formal process held to a clear standard can be called an error in something: an error in judgment, a calculation error, an error in experimental set-up. We assume for the sake of the phrase that calculation and even experimental set-ups are tightly governed by known procedures.

    An «error in judgment» is typically a moral or ethical lapse, precisely because it implies there is some code governing the judgment in question. Similarly, «to err» in the oldest and grandest sense is literally to stray from the righteous path.

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