Опубликовано: 30 октября 2018 / Обновлено: 27 июля 2020

Стихи на английском: Про снеговика

I’m a happy Snowman

I’m a happy Snowman,
Big and fat.
Here are my mittens,
My scarf and my hat.
I’m a happy Snowman,
Here is my nose.

I am all made of snow
From my head to my toes.
I am all made of snow
From my head to my toes.

Five Little Snowmen

Five Little Snowmen on a snowy day,
The first one said, “Come on let’s play!”
The second one said, “Let’s stomp on the ground!”
The third one said, “Let’s roll it all around!”
The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run!”
The fifth one said, “I’m afraid I feel the sun”
“Oh, Dear” cried the snowmen, as they looked up at the sky!
And the Five Little Snowmen waved a fond goodbye!

I’m a Little Snowman

I’m a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr…it’s cold!

I Am A Little Snowman Short & Fat

I’m a little snowman short and fat,
Here’s my scarf and here’s my hat.
When I see the snowfall,
Hear me shout —
All you children please come out!

I’m a little snowman, short and fat.
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
When the sun comes out, I melt away,

I’m a little snowman short and fat
Here are my buttons
Here is my hat
When the sun comes out
I cannot play
Slowly I just melt away.

The Snowman Song

I’m a happy snowman, white and fat.
Here are my buttons, here is my hat.
When the sun comes out you’ll hear me say,
Whew, it’s hot as a melt away.

Whew, it is hot! Hey! It’s getting cold again.
I’m a happy snowman, white and fat.
Here are my buttons, here is my hat.
When the sun comes out you’ll hear me say, whew, it’s hot as a melt away.

Whew, it’s getting really hot now.
Oh no! I’m a sad snowman, wet and flat.
Where are my buttons? Where is my hat?
When the sun goes down you’ll hear me say,

Hey it’s cold again hooray!
Hey, it’s cold again hooray!
Let’s move!

Walk, walk, walk, like a snowman.
Dance, dance, dance like a snowman.
Jump, jump, jump like a snowman.
Turn, turn, turn like a snowman.
Oh it’s getting hot again! Melt, melt, melt like a snowman.

The Snowman

One day we built a snowman,
We built him out of snow;
You should have seen how fine he was,
All white from top to toe.

We poured some water over him,
To freeze his legs and ears;
And when we went indoors to bed,
We thought he’d last for years.

But, in the night a warmer kind
Of wind began to blow;
And Jack Frost cried and ran away,
And with him went the snow.

When we went out next morning
To bid our friend «Good Day»,
There wasn’t any snowman there…
He’d melted right away!

A Chubby Little Snowman

A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose
Along came a rabbit
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
ATE the snowman’s carrot nose…
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!

The Snowman

I made a great tall snowman
With two huge coal black eyes
And just to reach around his neck
Took two of Daddy’s ties.
I put a hat of mother’s
Upon his rounded head
And then I ran and left him
And hurried off to bed.
When I awoke next morning
Imagine my surprise
My snowman had run away
And left his hat, ties, and eyes!

The Snowman Song

I am a little snowman.
I am so fat and round.
I started from a snowflake
That fell upon the ground.

I have two buttons for my eyes,
A great big scarf of red,
I have a carrot for a nose,
A hat upon my head.

Watch me as I melt to the ground.

The Snowman

Roll a snowball large,
Then one of middle size.
Roll a snowball small,
Use lumps of coal for eyes.
Place a carrot for a nose,
And old hat on his head.
And for his necktie, tie around
His neck a ribbon red.
A corncob pipe goes in his mouth,
Some buttons on his vest.
And there he stands so round and fat,
Of snowmen, he’s the best!

Опубликовано: / Обновлено: 27 июля 2020

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